Hey there, I'm


Certified Integrative Nutrition health coach
institute for integrative nutrition 

200 hour yoga teacher training
Maui yoga shala

buti yoga certification
buti MVMNT

We got our 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Certifications and together worked on finding this thing called “balance.” Living in the moment, drinking alcohol (in moderation), running, relaxing, trying new foods, ending the day with ice cream, you know... After this adventure we both moved back to Cape Cod, MA. We were re-absorbed into the chaos of summer mode in a vacation town. I had zero boundaries for work-life balance and started to back-track on the progress I had started to make with my overall well-being. It wasn’t until 365 days later when I was living in Colorado feeling my absolute best. I had this realization of what a work-life balance could be and everything started to change. 

So, if I still have your attention, thank you for staying with me - what’s the point of me telling you all of this? Health is a spectrum. You must find balance as the ultimate goal, however, it is also the hardest concept to come to terms with. As someone who has experienced both extremes (extreme health, and poor health) balance is where I’ve been my happiest - not my skinniest, not my strongest, not my partying days, not college life, but this beautiful life of balance! I currently live in Breckenridge, Colorado, living with my boyfriend and adorable adventure pup, Mocha, working in a coffee shop, skiing, practicing yoga, dabbling with strength training, trail running, still following a mostly plant-based diet but extremely less rigid than what it once was. Energetically, spiritually, and holistically my body feels the best it has ever been. Of course there are good days and bad days too, but that’s all part of the journey right? It’s coming to terms with what you need and when you need it. 

...this is how I made the decision to pursue health coaching as a career and why I am where I am today. So, I’ll start with my sophomore year of college. At 18 years old I was constantly struggling with severe gut issues, constant bloating, excessive bowel movements or not enough, vomiting, under-eating because I was scared of how I was going to feel, overeating because I was hungry from treating my body so poorly, weight gain, weight loss and everything in between. I was also vegetarian at this point in my life and unwilling to give up this lifestyle for my passion for the environment. My body was inflamed and deteriorating at the same time. This went on for another year and half or so - yes, that long untreated. I would lay in bed at night in severe pain. This impacted my social life too because I was 18 and in college, I wanted to be out with my friends having a good time so either I would miss out or just make these symptoms significantly worse by drinking alcohol and getting s**t sleep. Finally at 19, almost 20 years old I started to take action. I tried elimination diets, supplements, different programs and every other thing possible recommended by doctors - nothing was working. 

Let me tell you a little bit about my story...

January of 2019 I packed up my life for 6 months and moved to Byron Bay, Australia...

I was there for an Environmental Action and Sustainability program that would completely take me out of my current environment and comfort zone. Upon arrival I had shifted my mindset completely to “I am going to get healthy and I am going to do it right” no more BS programs, restrictions etc.. just me and my body and the environment around me. I committed to a fully veganism lifestyle per support of my bff, Brett Matzke.

This transition to a purely whole-foods diet, no processed foods, minimal alcohol, and dedication to running, strength training, and yoga changed my life. My body responded so well to the transition. The inflammation decreased, my strength was back, I was able to eat and not be afraid of the aftermath, my mood increased and I just overall felt amazing. Now there’s a downside to this too - I became obsessed with feeling SO good, identified as orthorexia. This part of the story is challenging for me to share and has taken a lot of hard work to come to realize. I had an obsession for being healthy... kind of sounds like a good thing right? But no, it took a toll on my mental health and essentially led to an “unhealthy” mindset. I’ve now come to realize that balance is one of the most important parts of overall health - it’s not just physical activity and nutrition. 

I want to help YOU achieve a place of balance. I’m not perfect, but I sure as hell have had a wild journey and can help guide you to your desirable state :) so phuck it, it’s time to choose you.

When Brett and I moved to Hawaii, everything started to change...

Does any of this sound similar to how you feel or have felt? 

Contact callahan

Are you ready to start your health and wellness journey?